
第二次派發行動 Take One Green Action 2

我們收到超過100張相片! 謝謝大家的支持!


1月30日 (星期日) 下午
1月31日 (星期一) 中午


We've recieved over 100 photos! Thank you for everyone support!
And we will have the second round TAKE ONE GREEN action:

30 Jan Sunday afternoon
31 Jan Monday noon

the activity will be ended once the plant is all gone.


相片己展出於現場 photos are exhibiting


We have recieved your photos and they are exhibiting on site. Both on site and website will be updated time by time, and we will share some planting knowledge here as well, please visit us more often!

黃金葛改用水種植 Plant in water

My friend told me to try planting this in a pot of water instead of soil, which is a easier way keep it alive.

收集回來的相片Photos collected